The last instalment in the wedding trilogy of Nic and Bobby (see the solemnization and their destination wedding) was held in sunny and wet Singapore.

It was one of the most stressful projects for all of us as it was put together in just a few days with many plan changes and twists. In spite of all, it was one of the most interesting and beautiful weddings I’ve done.

Nic and Bobby run an architectural bureau, so they know everything about textures and colour palettes. This meant that I could play with all that and even experiment a little. The venue they chose was the beautiful Dempsey Cookhouse, which has rows of glass chandeliers and white garden furniture. As such, we chose to go with something not heavy, airy, with a light but bright colour scheme for the tables and personal flowers, and an abundance of greenery for the bar and outdoor decor. I wanted to create something architectural, natural and multi-layered, with a lot of interesting accents and rich in both colour and texture.

Being a crazy fan of smoke bush and pampas grass, I chose to use them for the bar installation. I added colour using painted leaves, tulips and anthuriums. The installation was used as the backdrop for the tea ceremony, and later it was taken apart and distributed around the bar and entrance area. The entrance itself was decorated with two massive foliage and flower columns (thanks to my supplier who brought me roses of the size of small trees, with gigantic blooms). One column ended up inside the restaurant later on, as the groom wanted it to be at the centre of everyone’s attention :)

Nic’s bridal bouquet didn’t really have any green foliage, as I wanted to keep it clean and not too crowded: browns, whites, cappuccino and a splash of coral, as she wanted to have something bright in the design.

The tables, with few greens, textures galore, and pops of colours, were the mediators between the sleek bridal bouquet and the decor, which was heavy on foliage. The overall look was gorgeous!


Photography / Feldberyl, Gathered+Styled

Floral designer & stylist / Gathered+Styled

Door gifts / Batu Lesung

Venue / Dempsey Cookhouse & Bar

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